View from the future in 100 years: how was 2021?
2120 will be described as a chaotic and polarizing year of reckoning with the way we have dealt with the World up to now, such as the complete turnaround in Times.
It was a time like Year of upheaval and the turning point of the global pandemic crises. A New Normal came up and a lot got going. Much began to change again and again and forever. Nothing and no stone remained untouched by it. In the End our Planet Earth was almost completely overturned. And these Transformations persisted and never ended. The Change and Great Reset was social and technological, and turned Life upside down. Everything dissolved: Structures, Societies, Cultures, Living together and working Worlds through to Love. ‘Everything’ macro became smart and Micro, and then Big again, so the the Exoplanets Earth 2, 3, 4, … Cos or Generation Spaceships. Open-Plans were divided and fragmented, all rooms for masses (Cruise Ships to Tankers, Public Spaces, large Halls, … ) delimited and controlled. It was the Year when Big Brother finally broke through and began, and we could only escape it individually. Mutual trust and human closeness (Social Distancing) continued to decline. Millennia-old Traditions and Rituals of intercultural body contact such as shaking hands, hugging and kissing died out. From then on, our World became more and more virtual and confusing. Home Offices and online meetings remained standards and became new Classics. And even when almost every World Citizen was more or less vaccinated a few years later, this state of affairs remained because we got used to it, and also because the Future Fear as Fear of the Future of the next pandemic remained, and always new ones broke. Even if these were dealt with more quickly and preventively, mutual social distancing remained. This had an effect up to Sex, which was being virtually replaced as a purely physical act by more and more, especially younger Generations. And ProCreation by Cloning and Artificial Reproduction became more popular as it enabled healthier, more resistant offspring to be more resilent to Mass Diseases. Mass Events like in the past with thousands in the Stadium, in Concert Halls and at Congresses became obsolete. And Mass Traffic is also dying out. The stagnating World Population of the Earth at the border of 12 Billion remained as the carrying load of our Planet allowed by the World Government, but the contact like the mixing with Extraterrestrial Civilizations and other viable Exoplanets (earth 2, 3, 4, …) left the total number of Humanoids on explode one trillion and above.
Timeline | 2020 | 2120 |
Transport, Cultural Spaces (1) |
Mass | Individual (2) |
Working, Love/Life, Living | Real | Virtual (3) |
Energy | Atomic to Natural / Bio Forces | Fusion Power |
Fuels | Petrol / Oil (4) | Electric / Hydrogen |
Society | Generation XYZ -> Alpha | Cos (5) |
Politics, Police, Court | Social Control | Public Tech (6) |
World Order | States (7) | World Government (8) |
(Political) System | (Direct) Democracy | AI Autonomy (9) |
Mobility (10) | Cars, Drones, … | Space Ships |
Technologies, Innovations | Robots, AI, Quanta, … | Roboids |
Species | Humanoid | Aliens |
Population | 8 -> 12 billion | 20 -> 100 |
(R) Evolution | (Ultra) Postmodern | Civilization 1.0 |
(1) Public places, concert halls, museums, stadiums, churches / cathedrals, …
(2) Single, Pair, …
(3) Spacial: MR + AG + VG
(4) conventional fuels, gas, …
(5) Collectives, cohorts, communities, …
(6) Big Brother, (body, …) cams
(7) rulers, presidents, …
(8) World Council, Triad, …
(9) Artificial intelligence as self-administration, …
(10) Autonomous AI space travel, transport, …
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