::Future.Institute -> Future(s) University

from Future(s) Studies to Future(s) Sciences
Z-Analysis, MegaTrends, Outlook, Prognosis, RoadMaps, Scenarios, Timelines, Vision

::Future(s) ->Forecaster -> Futurist(s)

Professional Future(s) Researchers to SuperExperts
New World(s) of the Future(s) Society

::Futurisme -> Futurology -> Futuristic(s)

from Forwarding, Forecasting to Futuring(s)
Predicting as Foretelling the Exo SuperPlanets Earth II, 3, IV, 5

“Future.Institute saves thousands of hours of work researching – planning – implementing future solutions and provides insights that no one would have thought possible.”

Roman & Yves Retzbach