Yves Retzbach


Yves Retzbach – Futurist of Futures Studies – Owner & Founder in 3rd Generation of Future.Institute & Future University [Source: Future.Institute]

Yves Retzbach
Professional Futurist
Owner & Founder


My Topics 2021-2022:

Futures Crises & Chances 2030-2040-2050
Megatrends & Innovations 2030-2040-2050
The New Future Reset 2030-2040-2050
Futures World Technology Report 2030-2040-2050
Futures Global Risks & Challenges 2022
(as workshop or key note speeches speech)
see some Videos on Youtube

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Yves Retzbach is a German Professional Futurist and Futurologist, Scientist of Futures Studies, and the Owner as Founder in 4rd generation of the Future.Institute (1920) as Future University (1960) for Futures-Sciences, working with Futurology. Read his full story: here


Personal life

Yves Retzbach is tha daughter of the Futurist Roman Retzbach, who is married to Tatsanee Retzbach, living in Stuttgart and Berlin, Germany. Yves Retzbach has co-authored several publications, including “Futures Sciences for Kids”, “Youth Futures Studies” and “Young People’s  Future Dictionary”.

Futurist career

2020 she joined the Future.Institute of her family, refounded 1920. Her great-grandfather was an artist of the futurism and her grandfather a scientist.

Member of the World Future Society

Qualifikations /Certificates
Professional Futurist
Master of Futures Studies at Future University


Yves Retzbach is a Female German professional futurist, founder and proprietor for the Future.Institute, ZukunftsInstitut, Future.University and Future Intelligences. As an international futurologist, she lives and works in Europe and Asia. Her research topics are the youth future sciences and futures studies for yound people, which as futures and megatrends determine our lives such as business 2020, 2030, 2050 to 2100.

Born 11.1.2015, Stuttgart

ProFuturist – Professional Futurist / sciences-futures (sf) researcher & investor

Work experience: over 2 years
Books & Studies: over 2
Lectures & Workshops: over 5
Articles & Interviews: 5




Her father Roman Retzbach is a German professional futurist and chairman for the Future.Institute, ZukunftsInstitut, Future.University and Future Intelligences. As an international futurologist, he lives and works in Germany, and has been in the United States for 10 years like China. His research topics are the future sciences and futures studies, which as futures and megatrends determine our lives such as business 2020, 2030, 2050 to 2100.

Future.Institute was founded 1920 in Germany, starting 1988 to be worldwide in all metacities. Today it’s a global network with hyper offices. We’re and call us all professional futurists (ProFuturists):





Skype: Future-Institute

WhatsApp: +49 1520 130 8488

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