From now until December 31, 2020 you can win our administration Future Report 2021 worth 250 Dollar, as a pdf for only 10 Dollar because of the administrative effort and / or in the book delivery for 20 EUR because of the postage costs. There are a limited number of 10,000 German, 5,000,000 Chinese and 10,000,000 English state governments. Other languages on request.
1. 10 Mega / Future Trends 2021 – 2025 – 2030
2. New Business Models and New Economic Systems
3. New Social Concepts and new Ways of Living together
4. New Technology Innovations and new Product Prototypes
5. New Start-Ups and new Social Initiatives
6. New Environmental Movements and new Health Impacts
7. New Eternity and Belief in Immortality
8. New Me-Consumerism and endless Productions
9. New Boom in Capitalism and new Generations of Political Targets
10. New Space Missions and new Planetary Worlds
To the Shop: Future Report 2021 │ 2022
Excerpt and excerpt: 10 mega / future trends 2021 – 2025 – 2030
In the future, cosmic phenomena and changes such as the Jupiter Saturn conjunction will attract and occupy us more than global media events from weather to World War III.
The future keywords 2021 are (Re-) Autonomous Mobility, (Re-)Generative Intelligence and (re-)Quantitative Civilizations in detail and as a synergetic overall work of an Autonom(ous)-Intelligence-Civilizations (AIC), what the generation-skipping and age-destroying development towards a New-Normal society announces and lets post-corona begin.
The self-evolving and self-educating, self-understanding and self-evident auto-mobility, controlled by artificial intelligence and remotely controlled, navigated around and driven around, opens the age of individual mass transport, including smart mobility and micro-macro logistics. The health-endangering meeting in large rooms, on airplanes or rail vehicles, ships to buses are no longer sustainable and sustainable. In our smart hybrid cells, we will be guided through long chains in hyper tunnels or in single drones without traffic jams and contacts – even more so virtually because we no longer have to drive ourselves. Concert halls also become mobile mini-halls. This will continue until astronaut clothing becomes affordable and is as light as a second skin. Smart filter systems integrated into glasses or implanted in our airways protect us 24 hours a day and make us immune to new pandemic viruses.
The megatrends for 2021 are:
1. Solar Fire: Artificial Suns as Solar Machines
- Intermediate Worlds: Spatial Computing as VR + AG Mixes
- World Computer: Quantum calculators as …
- Art Life: Superintelligence as …
- World Theory (ToE): Quintessence as …
- Space travel: Multiverse as …
- Green Gold: Full Recycling as …
- Blue Substance: (Re-)Business with …
- Mars Expedition: Expo as …
- Miracle Seed: Civilizations as …
To the Shop: Future Report 2021 │ 2022
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